Director, Clean Energy Institute; Professor
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Acoustical Engineering
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architectureyavuzturk@81623464.com 860.768.5554 UT 302A
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Oklahoma State University
Diplom-Ingenieur, Energy and Process Engineering, Technical University (Berlin, Germany)
Prior to joining the University of Hartford, Yavuzturk was Assistant and Associate Professor of Civil and Architectural Engineering at the University of Wyoming (1999-2008). He was employed as a Research Engineer at the Oklahoma State University (1994-1999) and also held various engineering positions in the U.S. defense industry (1988-1994) and at the Technical University of Berlin (1984-1988). He served as the National Chair of the ASHRAE Solar Energy Utilization Committee (2007-2012), and as the chair of research of the ASHRAE Geothermal Energy Utilization Committee (2006-2008).
Yavuzturk is the author of numerous technical research papers in the areas of thermodynamics; heat, mass and momentum transfer; thermal systems modeling and simulation; energy-efficient systems design and renewable energy technologies; energy analysis and management; thermal energy storage; numerical modeling and inverse methods; HVAC-R equipment; geothermal and solar energy utilization.
- Chair of the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Acoustical Engineering
University of Hartford, July 2010 to present - Associate Professor
College of Engineering, Technology and Architecture, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Acoustical Engineering, University of Hartford, July 2011 to present - Assistant Professor
College of Engineering, Technology and Architecture, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Acoustical Engineering, University of Hartford, August 2008 to June 2011 - Visiting Professor (Sabbatical Research Semester)
University of Rostock, Germany, June 2006 to December 2006 - Associate Professor
College of Engineering and Applied Science, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, University of Wyoming, July 2005 to 2008 - Assistant Professor
College of Engineering and Applied Science, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, University of Wyoming, August 1999 to July 2005 - Research Associate
Oklahoma State University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1995-1999 - Project Engineer
Aydin Corporation HQ in Horsham, PA 1991-1994 - Process Control Engineer
Aydin Corporation Raytor and ElectroFab subsidiaries in Montgomery and Croydon, PA, 1989-1991 - Research Assistant
Technical University of Berlin, Germany, Energie und Verfahrenstechnik, 1986-1989
- ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
- ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers)
- ASES (American Solar Energy Society)
- IGSHPA (International Ground Source Heat Pump Association)
- IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association)
- AEE (Association of Energy Engineers)
- VDI (Association of German Engineers)
Professional Registration
- Certified Energy Manager (C. E. M.)
AEE (Association of Energy Engineers)
Professional Society Service
- ASHRAE Solar Energy Utilization Technical Committee 6.7
Former Chair and Voting Member - ASHRAE Solar Energy Utilization Technical Committee 6.7
Former Chair of Programs - ASHRAE Geothermal Energy Utilization Technical Committee 6.8
Former Chair of Research and current Voting Member - ASHRAE Evaporative Cooling Technical Committee 5.7
Member - ASHRAE Load Calculation Data and Procedures Technical Committee 4.1
Member - ASHRAE Energy Calculations Technical Committee 4.7
University Service
- University of Hartford Formula Society of Automotive Engineers
Faculty Advisor Sep 2012 – Present - University of Hartford Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
Faculty Advisor Sep 2012 – Present - University of Hartford Clinical Contract Committee (College of Engineering, Technology and Architecture Representative)
Member Apr 2010 – Present - University of Hartford College of Engineering, Technology and Architecture Strategic Planning Committee
Member Apr 2010 – Spring 2011 - University of Hartford ASHRAE Student Branch
Faculty Advisor Sep 2009 – Present
Research Areas
- Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer
- Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation
- Numerical Modeling and Inverse Methods
- Parameter Estimation Optimization
- Energy Analysis and Management
- Energy Conversion and Storage
- HVAC-R Equipment and Systems
- Ground Source Heat Pumps
- Solar Energy Utilization
- Energy Engineering and Sustainable Design
Renewable Energy
- Development of a software design tool for hybrid solar-geothermal heat pump systems in heating- and cooling-dominated buildings. In collaboration with University of Dayton and Oak Ridge National Laboratories. The project is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy.
- Optimization of groundwater flow and heat pump entering fluid temperatures in geothermal heat pump systems. In collaboration with ENVIRON, University of Vermont and Princeton University. The project is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy.
- Assessment of the Net-Zero Energy Potential in Existing Buildings.
- Demonstration and Performance Assessment of a Net Zero Energy School Building in Wyoming. Sponsored by Wyoming State Energy Commission.
- Feasibility of Generating Electricity using Thermal Energy Extracted from existing Underground Coal and Waste Bank Fires. Sponsored by NSF-STTR.
- Underground Thermal Storage of Solar Energy using Vertical U-Tube Boreholes.
- Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump Systems - Model and Procedure Development for Thermally Imbalanced Residential, Commercial and Institutional Buildings.
Asphalt Pavements
- Assessment of Thermal Stresses in Asphalt Pavements due to Environmental Conditions including Freeze and Thaw Cycles. Sponsored through Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute and MPC of DOT.
- Assessment of Temperature Fluctuations in Asphalt Pavements Due to Thermal Environmental Conditions using a Two-Dimensional, Transient Finite Difference Approach. Sponsored by Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute and Mountain Plains Consortium of DOT.
Aero Gas Turbine Engines
- Development of a Three-Dimensional Numerical Model to Predict Convective Conditions in Aero Gas Turbine Cavities.
- Performance Comparison of Two-Spool and Three-Spool Aero Gas Turbine Engines.
- Assessment of Performance Improvements in Geared Aero Gas Turbine Engines.
Hollow Fiber Membranes
- Spacesuit life support development Phase II. The project is sponsored by the CT Space Grant Consortium.
- Spacesuit life support development Phase I. The project is sponsored by the CT Space Grant Consortium.
- Investigation of the use of hollow fiber membranes for evaporative heat rejection in spacesuit applications. The project was sponsored by the CT Space Grant Consortium.
- Performance Evaluation of an Evaporative Cooling Application using Forced Fluid Flows through Fiber Membranes. Sponsored by NSF-EPSCOR.
X-Ray Generator
- Development of a novel shot-through X-Ray generator including a suitable anode cooling system. The project is sponsored by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security.
- O’Connor, D. J., Yavuzturk, C., & Fuller, J. E. (2012). Achieving net-zero conditions in retrofit: A case study for a performing arts building using an hourly simulation approach. ASHRAE Transactions, 118(2). Article
- Janeborvorn, Y., Filburn, T. P., Yavuzturk, C., & Ungar, E. K. (2010). Thermal performance model for spacesuit waste heat rejection using water membrane evaporators. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2(3), 031008. Article
- Johnson, D. W., Yavuzturk C., & Rangappa, A. S. (2010). Formaldehyde removal from air during membrane air humidification evaporative cooling: Effects of contactor design and operating conditions. The Journal of Membrane Science, 354, 55-62. http://gradworks.umi.com/14/72/1472916.html
- Chiasson, A. D., Yavuzturk, C., Johnson, D. W., & Filburn, T. P. (2010). Optimization of the ground thermal response in hybrid geothermal heat pump systems. ASHRAE Transactions, 116(1), 512-524. Article
- Yavuzturk, C., Chiasson, A. D., & Nydahl, J. E. (2009). Simulation model for ground loop heat exchangers. ASHRAE Transactions, 115(2), 45-59. Article
- Chiasson, A. D. & Yavuzturk, C. (2009). A design tool for hybrid geothermal heat pump systems in heating-dominated buildings. ASHRAE Transactions, 115(2), 60-73. Article
- Chiasson, A. D. & Yavuzturk, C. (2009). A design tool for hybrid geothermal heat pump systems in cooling-dominated buildings. ASHRAE Transactions, 115(2), 74-87. Article
- Chiasson, A. D., Yavuzturk, C., & Ksaibati, K. (2008). Linearized approach for predicting thermal stresses in asphalt pavements due to environmental conditions. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 20(2), 118-127. Article
- Hedges, K. E., Denzer, A. S., & Yavuzturk, C. (2007). The Solar Decathlon: Lessons learned in the construction management of a transportable solar house. 4th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-04), Melbourne, Australia.
- Chiasson, A. D., Yavuzturk, C., & Walrath, D.E. (2007). Evaluation of electricity generation from underground coal fires and waste banks. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 129(2), 81-88. Article
- Spitler, J.D., Liu, X., Rees, S.J., & Yavuzturk, C. (2005). Simulation and optimization of ground source heat pump systems. 8th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference, Las Vegas, May 30-June 2.http://www.hvac.okstate.edu/research/Documents/Spitler_et_al_2005_iea_hp_conference.pdf
- Yavuzturk, C. & Ksaibati, K. (2005). Assessment of temperature fluctuations in asphalt pavements due to thermal environmental conditions using a two-dimensional, transient finite difference model. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 17(4), 465-475. Article
- Chiasson, A. D. & Yavuzturk, C. (2004). Design of a school building HVAC retrofit with a geothermal heat pump. ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 10(3), 103-111. Article
- Chiasson, A. D. & Yavuzturk, C. (2003). Assessment of the viability of hybrid geothermal heat pump systems with solar thermal collector. ASHRAE Transactions, 109(2), 487-500. Article
- Spitler, J.D., Liu, X., Rees, S.J., & Yavuzturk, C. (2003). Simulation and design of ground source heat pump systems. Journal of Shandong University of Architecture and Engineering, 18(1), 1-10. Article
- Johnson, D.W., Yavuzturk, C., & Pruis, J. G. (2003). Evaporative cooling with hollow fiber membranes. The Journal of Membrane Science, 227(1-2), 159-171. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0376738803004307
- Yavuzturk, C. & Chiasson, A. D. (2002). Performance analysis of u-tube, concentric tube and standing column well ground heat exchangers using a borehole simulation model. ASHRAE Transactions, 108(1), 925-938. Article
- Sommer, K. & Yavuzturk, C. (2001-02). Comparison of North American and European heating load calculation procedures for commercial buildings. Proceedings of the Deutscher Kaelte und Klimatechnisher Verein (German Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Institute), Stuttgart, Germany.
- Yavuzturk, C. & Spitler, J.D. (2001). Field validation of a short time step model for vertical ground-loop heat exchangers. ASHRAE Transactions, 107(1), 617-625. Article
- Spitler, J. D., Yavuzturk, C., & Rees, S. J. (2000). In situ measurement of ground thermal properties. Proceedings of Terrastock 2000. Stuttgart, Germany, (1), 165-170 http://www.betsrg.okstate.edu/research/Documents/Terrastock2000paper.pdf
- Yavuzturk, C. & Spitler, J.D. (2000). Comparative study to investigate operating and control strategies for hybrid ground source heat pumps. ASHRAE Transactions, 106(2), 192-209. Article
- Spitler, J. D., Rees, S. J., & Yavuzturk, C. (2000). Recent developments in ground source heat pump system design modeling and applications. Proceedings of CIBSE/ASHRAE Joint Conference Dublin September 2000, "20/20" Vision, Dublin, Ireland. Session 9a, Paper A28, 34. http://www.hvac.okstate.edu/research/Documents/Spitler_Rees_Yavuzturk_Dublin_2000.pdf
- Austin, W. A., Yavuzturk, C., & Spitler, J.D. (2000). Development of an in-situ system and analysis procedure for measuring ground thermal properties. ASHRAE Transactions, 106(1), 365-379. Article
- Spitler, J. D., Rees, S., & Yavuzturk, C. (1999). More comments on in-situ borehole thermal conductivity testing. The Source, International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA), March/April, Stillwater, Oklahoma.http://www.hvac.okstate.edu/research/Documents/Spitler,%20Rees,%20and%20Yavuzuturk1999.pdf
- Yavuzturk, C., Spitler, J.D., & Rees, S. J. (1999). A transient two-dimensional finite volume model for the simulation of vertical u-tube ground heat exchangers. ASHRAE Transactions, 105(2), 465-474. Article
- Yavuzturk, C. & Spitler, J.D. (1999). A short time step response factors model for vertical ground loop heat exchangers. ASHRAE Transactions, 105(2), 475-485. Article
- Yavuzturk, C. (1999). Modeling of ground loop heat exchangers for ground source heat pump systems. Doctoral Thesis. College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology. Oklahoma State University.http://www.betsrg.okstate.edu/research/Documents/Yavuzturk_thesis.pdf